Monday , March 31st 2025
    Horse Tack and Saddles

Challenger Tack Horse Horse Sweet Iron Antique Brown Long Shank Bit W/Floating Spade Mouthpiece 35587

Product Features:

    Made of sweet iron brushed stainless steel, this weighted cheek allows for more control and added poll pressure while maintaining clean lateral movement. The cheek pieces feature decorative silver tooled accents. Floating spade mouthpiece with copper roll Mouth: 4 3/4" Shank: 7 1/4" Brown/Silver/Copper Made of…
Price as on: 2019-11-24 15:09:27

Product Description

Made of sweet iron brushed stainless steel, this weighted cheek allows for more control and added poll pressure while maintaining clean lateral movement. The cheek pieces feature decorative silver tooled accents. Floating spade mouthpiece with copper roll

Product Features

  • Mouth: 4 3/4″ Shank: 7 1/4″
  • Brown/Silver/Copper
  • Made of sweet iron brushed stainless steel, this weighted cheek allows for more control and added poll pressure while maintaining clean lateral movement. The cheek pieces feature decorative silver tooled accents. Floating spade mouthpiece with copper roll
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed.