Monday , March 31st 2025
    Horse Tack and Saddles

Horse Saddle Western Saddle Tack Rawhide Leather Covered Angled Roper Stirrups 51174

Product Features:

    5" Width 5" Height 3" Tread 3" NeckTanChallenger rawhide deep roper stirrups. The slanted design allows for your foot to hang in a more natural position. The outside of the stirrup is longer than the inside to relieve pressure from your knees with your feet parallel to the ground.…
Price as on: 2020-01-15 18:11:00

Product Features

  • 5″ Width 5″ Height 3″ Tread 3″ Neck
  • Tan
  • Challenger rawhide deep roper stirrups. The slanted design allows for your foot to hang in a more natural position. The outside of the stirrup is longer than the inside to relieve pressure from your knees with your feet parallel to the ground. Great choice for a trail ride! Leather with gel padded tread provides grip. Inside measurements are 5″ wide, 5″ tall, 3″ neck, and 3″ tread.